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Medicine Hat



The Xpresso, along with all Evolution walkers, was designed to be the strongest and most stable of all the center folding walkers on the market today. With cable-free brakes, soft waterproof rubber seat and unique folding basket, the Xpresso folds easily and compact.

SKU: 1234567 Categories: ,


Model Weight Seat Height Seat Width Width x Length Handle Height Weight Capacity
Xpresso Mini 18 lbs 18” 18” 22.5” x 26” 30.5” – 33.5” 300 lbs
Xpresso Regular 18 lbs 21” 18” 22.5” x 26” 30.5” – 34.5” 300 lbs
Xpresso Tall 18 lbs 24” 18” 22.5” x 26” 33.5” – 40” 350 lbs
Xpresso Wide 18 lbs 22” 20″ 24.8″ x 25.5″ 32.5″ – 37.5″ 450 lbs
Xpresso Low-Wide 18 lbs 19” 20″  24.8″ x 25.5″  30.5″ – 35.5″ 450 lbs