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Choosing the Right Wheelchair

Choosing the Right Wheelchair: A Comprehensive Guide Selecting the right wheelchair is crucial for individuals with mobility challenges as it directly impacts comfort, mobility, and overall quality of life. With a wide range of wheelchairs available, choosing the most suitable…

Choosing the Right Mobility Aid: A Comprehensive Guide

Choosing the Right Mobility Aid: A Comprehensive Guide Mobility aids play a crucial role in enhancing independence and quality of life for individuals with mobility challenges. Whether you’re recovering from an injury, living with a chronic condition, or assisting a…

Cold Weather Safety

Winter can be a beautiful time of the year, but when the arctic winds, mounds of snow, and bone-chilling temperatures roll in, the season’s harsh side can prove especially dangerous for senior adults. Slick sidewalks lead to falls, colds and…

Growing Older at Home

“The stairs are getting so hard to climb,” “Since my wife died, I just open a can of soup for dinner,” “I’ve lived here 40 years. No other place will seem like home.” These are common issues for older people…

If it doesn’t fit, you can’t sit!

Preventing Sliding in a Wheelchair Sliding out of a wheelchair is a common problem faced by wheelchair users with a reduced ability to reposition themselves throughout the day. Depending on various factors such as their current mobility device and seating…

Why Assist Health Supplies?

We get asked this question so often! When you have as many competitors in a market the size of Calgary, why choose Assist Health Supplies? Well, I can tell you it goes way beyond our good looks and squeaky-clean image!…