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Medicine Hat


Exploring the Benefits of Orthopedic Supports

Orthopedic supports play a crucial role in managing musculoskeletal conditions, promoting recovery from injuries, and enhancing comfort and mobility for individuals with orthopedic challenges. From braces and splints to orthopedic shoes and cushions, these supports offer a range of benefits…

Cold Weather Safety

Winter can be a beautiful time of the year, but when the arctic winds, mounds of snow, and bone-chilling temperatures roll in, the season’s harsh side can prove especially dangerous for senior adults. Slick sidewalks lead to falls, colds and…

Growing Older at Home

“The stairs are getting so hard to climb,” “Since my wife died, I just open a can of soup for dinner,” “I’ve lived here 40 years. No other place will seem like home.” These are common issues for older people…